Saturday, 13 September 2014

The Start of Something New

As you may have guessed from the title, I am new to this, but as I am sat here, slightly bored and desperately trying to avoid doing my dissertation I thought I would start a blog because...well why not?!

I have decided to call this "A Little Place of Happiness" as this is what I want this blog to be, full of things that make me happy, whether its a review of something I liked, or telling you about something I have been up to, or just my random thoughts, I want this to be full of all the happiest things in my life.

So first a short introduction. My name in Vikki, I am 20 years old (apparently) though I told someone the other day that I was 18, genuinely believing it was the case. I currently attend university and am about to go into my final year, I also have a part time job working in a nursery, something that I love, if I could quit university and work there full time I would. I love all things Disney, I am obsessed with London and anything that has a London reference and friends and family are very important to me.

And that's about it for now, I suppose I had better go and put some proper thought into what I am going to write about!

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