Thursday, 25 September 2014

Returning to University

In a few days time I will be returning to university and will officially become a third year. How that happened I am not sure seeing as I only started university yesterday....WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?!

Anyway. Now I am sat here feeling old and debating the idea of starting to pack all of my stuff and it got me thinking about how I feel about moving back. University has always been a tricky one for me, I love it, but I usually hate the idea of going back. My mum calls me a "home bird" and I guess she is right, I love being at home and surrounded by my family but I also love being at university, living with my friends and being able to do pretty much whatever I want. Within reason, I couldn't go and rob a bank for example. I think it is the transition between the two that I hate, I hate saying goodbye and you have that brief period of 'oh goodness I am on my own'. Two years ago when I was faced with the prospect of starting university and leaving home for the first time ever I was terrified, there were a lot of tears and I was adamant I was not going. I remember turning up at the place I was living and telling myself that I would never call this place home, that lasted about a week. I was really lucky, I made some really good friends who when confronted with me on the first night, a blubbing wreck, instead of running for the hills they offered me cake and a game of poker, I then loved university. The start of the second year should have been a lot easier but I was just as apprehensive and really not wanting to go. We had moved into a different house that I hated and the idea of returning made me cry even more than the first time round. But once again I settled it and loved it, in fact I really miss that house now!

So the start of third year. For the first time ever I am openly admitting that I am excited to go back, I am actually looking forward to it. We have a lovely new house and I love the people that I am living with. Of course there is still a fairly large part of me that is terrified of saying goodbye to my mum and I am sure that when the time comes I will be in tears clinging to her like a three year old begging her to stay. I may be 20 years old but I can still act like the children at work when I want to. However I am trying not to think about that, instead focusing on all the fun I am going to have and remembering that I do really like university.

So to anyone who is starting university or returning, good luck! I hope you have the best year yet!

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: Since writing this I have had two emotional breakdowns about going back. Maybe not as excited as I thought.
