Sunday, 14 September 2014

REVIEW: Fractured by Dani Atkins

I have literally just finished reading Fractured by Dani Atkins and thought I would share my thoughts on the book.
I actually really enjoyed this book, I was slightly unsure at first as I had never heard of it before, but I tend to find the best books often end up being the ones that no-one has mentioned to you as the hype around a book can often lead you to be disappointed.
What would you do if life gave you a second chance?
The night of the accident changed everything...
Now, five years on, Rachel's life is crumbling. She lives alone in a tiny flat, working in a dead-end job, desperate with guilt over her best friend's death. She would give anything to turn back the clock. But life doesn't work like that... Does it?
The night of the accident was a lucky escape...
Now, five years on, Rachel's life is perfect. She has a wonderful fiancé, loving family and friends around her, and the career she always wanted. But why can't Rachel shake the memory of a very different life?

I started reading this book two days ago, so that should give you an idea of how much I loved it! The book starts with the main character Rachel and follows her life until she has a fall and hits her head, she then wakes up in hospital where we discover that the life that she has lead was not real. The story then follows her journey in trying to piece together her life and there is a sweet love story integrated within the book. What I loved about the book was I couldn't work out how it was going to end, and in fact when I reached the end I was surprised at how it finished. Until the final twist in the story I would have only given the book three stars, however the twist, or at least what I thought was a twist, gave me a different view of the story and therefore pushes the rating up to four stars. In all honesty I am not sure I liked the ending, I think I would have preferred it to finish differently, but it was very clever, particularly the way that it linked in with the rest of the book.
So, if you are into Chick Lit or liked "If I Stay" as I personally found the concept to be fairly similar, then I would recommend this book, its definitely worth a read. If you have read it, let me know what you think!
If anyone has any book recommendations, let me know, I am always on the look out for something new to read! 

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