Everyday we meet a wide range of people, whether we actually stop to talk to them or just walk past them we are still faced with a number of strangers each day. Most of them will have no impact on our lives but occasionally someone will offer a random act of kindness or help you out and that make a real difference.
This week I have experienced a lot of kindness from strangers, something that I am extremely grateful for. This kindness and help that I have been shown has helped to make this week slightly more bearable, and really restored my faith in others. This week I have had help from people when I was feeling vulnerable, and I have had people who do not know me, or anything about me, look out for me, ensuring I get home from a night out and ensuring that I am safe. I can never thank these people that helped me enough, especially as I will never see them again.
These people took a small amount of time out of their day to help another and expected nothing in return. We are currently surrounded by the view that there are so many negative individuals and we often get caught up in our worlds that we forget about others. I know that I often get caught up in my own life I never stop to think about others, yet a little bit of kindness from someone else can really make a day. So I have decided to set myself the challenge of showing someone I don't know some kindness or helping them out everyday, because if everyone did that, the world would be a much better place.
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