Sunday, 19 October 2014

Home Comforts

After another terrible week I made the last minute decision to go home. So I packed up some stuff, threw it in the back of the car and then on Friday afternoon, I ran off from work and drove the two hours it takes me back to the familiar surroundings of my house. It was the best decision I had made all week. The only exception was possibly the decision to have garlic bread at the pub on Tuesday, it was the best garlic bread I have ever tasted. But that is a completely different matter!
What is it that makes home so reassuring? I don't know. Maybe its the fact that when I woke up on Saturday morning I had this strange sensation of being ever so slightly too warm, instead of peeling back the duvet in the anticipation that I would freeze the minute I did so. One of the main problems of being a student is the inability to be able to afford heating. Or maybe it was when I got in the shower I felt actual water run onto me, instead of some pathetic dribble that I have lean back into to feel any water at all. Or perhaps it was the amazing food on offer, and someone else cooking it for me. Or the comfort of waking up in my bedroom that I grew up in. Or possibly, and most definitely the most important reason, the fact that I was able to hug my mum, annoy my brother and be reassured that I had someone who cared about me right next to me. Within an hour of me arriving home my oldest friend was sat on the bed next to me and we were chatting and laughing away, all the stress of the past two weeks gone. Then I spent the evening on the sofa next to my family and just felt completely content. Of course this doesn't mean I hate university, I am also surrounded by those I love at my house there and do feel extremely comfortable there. But there is something about "home", its familiar, its safe and its comforting. I have not stopped smiling all weekend and just feel so much more relaxed then I did two days ago. Hopefully now I can start a new week tomorrow and feel slightly more positive about my degree and be less of a nightmare to be around, though I am not making any promises.
I suppose if all else fails, I could go back to that pub at university and get their garlic bread...

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