Saturday, 25 October 2014

Vanellope Von Schweetz

This week I went out with the Sociology society at Warwick dressed as Vanellope Von Schweetz from Wreck it Ralph.
We went to the student night, Pop, where they play a lot of cheesy music and in all honesty, can only be enjoyed if you are VERY drunk. We went circling, something that apparently every University does, but only Warwick call it circling. Basically a society stands in a circle (hence the 'circling', get it? We are so original) and then you play drinking games and drink purple, otherwise known as snakebite. Tastes disgusting but gets you very drunk and is nice and cheap. The joys of student life.
The theme for our circle was Alphabet. Everyone had to come dressed as something that began with the first letter of our name. As a massive Disney fan I felt Vanellope was a good option and was a fairly easy costume to get together. In the end my costume was a pretty poor effort, I basically wore a green jumper and stripy socks, but it was the thought that counted, right? I think the universe was conspiring against me as I was trying to get a costume together. I ordered a green jumper from Boohoo which when it arrived I hated. It was a shame as it had the potential to be a really good jumper but the fit really didn't suit me, something that is always a danger with online shopping. I decided to return the jumper but that meant I had less than a week to find a replacement, It is also worth noting that the service at Boohoo was amazing, the delivery time was really quick and the jumper was really cheap, it is a shame I didn't like it.
So, the next place I looked was H&M, I always find them a bit hit and miss but I figured it was the best place to look for a cheap, plain jumper and I was pleasantly surprised! They have had some really nice things in there recently, and I picked up a really nice mint green top for £7, bargain! And I will definitely be wearing it again, so definitely a success!
The only other thing I needed were green and white stripy tights, that are extremely hard to find, in the end I compromised and went with knee high socks. However, stupidly, I sent them to my home address, not university and the latest delivery date was the day I needed them for, luckily they arrived at home the day before and my family immediately sent them out to me so they arrived the next day, but that was a few stressful days when I realised what I had done, I will definitely pay more attention next time.
I am fairly sure that the final result looked nothing like Vanellope, but I did have a really good night and it was a lot of fun to put the outfit together and see everyone else's costume. It also gave me an excuse to dress up as a Disney character, in fact you could argue I was a Disney princess. Vanellope turns out to be a princess in the end, so that definitely counts....doesn't it?
Oh and I definitely had to look up how to spell Vanellope in order to be able to write this post, who knew it would be so complicated?!

Basically twins...

I will try harder next time.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Home Comforts

After another terrible week I made the last minute decision to go home. So I packed up some stuff, threw it in the back of the car and then on Friday afternoon, I ran off from work and drove the two hours it takes me back to the familiar surroundings of my house. It was the best decision I had made all week. The only exception was possibly the decision to have garlic bread at the pub on Tuesday, it was the best garlic bread I have ever tasted. But that is a completely different matter!
What is it that makes home so reassuring? I don't know. Maybe its the fact that when I woke up on Saturday morning I had this strange sensation of being ever so slightly too warm, instead of peeling back the duvet in the anticipation that I would freeze the minute I did so. One of the main problems of being a student is the inability to be able to afford heating. Or maybe it was when I got in the shower I felt actual water run onto me, instead of some pathetic dribble that I have lean back into to feel any water at all. Or perhaps it was the amazing food on offer, and someone else cooking it for me. Or the comfort of waking up in my bedroom that I grew up in. Or possibly, and most definitely the most important reason, the fact that I was able to hug my mum, annoy my brother and be reassured that I had someone who cared about me right next to me. Within an hour of me arriving home my oldest friend was sat on the bed next to me and we were chatting and laughing away, all the stress of the past two weeks gone. Then I spent the evening on the sofa next to my family and just felt completely content. Of course this doesn't mean I hate university, I am also surrounded by those I love at my house there and do feel extremely comfortable there. But there is something about "home", its familiar, its safe and its comforting. I have not stopped smiling all weekend and just feel so much more relaxed then I did two days ago. Hopefully now I can start a new week tomorrow and feel slightly more positive about my degree and be less of a nightmare to be around, though I am not making any promises.
I suppose if all else fails, I could go back to that pub at university and get their garlic bread...

Sunday, 12 October 2014

The Kindness of Strangers

Everyday we meet a wide range of people, whether we actually stop to talk to them or just walk past them we are still faced with a number of strangers each day. Most of them will have no impact on our lives but occasionally someone will offer a random act of kindness or help you out and that make a real difference.
This week I have experienced a lot of kindness from strangers, something that I am extremely grateful for. This kindness and help that I have been shown has helped to make this week slightly more bearable, and really restored my faith in others. This week I have had help from people when I was feeling vulnerable, and I have had people who do not know me, or anything about me, look out for me, ensuring I get home from a night out and ensuring that I am safe. I can never thank these people that helped me enough, especially as I will never see them again.
These people took a small amount of time out of their day to help another and expected nothing in return. We are currently surrounded by the view that there are so many negative individuals and we often get caught up in our worlds that we forget about others. I know that I often get caught up in my own life I never stop to think about others, yet a little bit of kindness from someone else can really make a day. So I have decided to set myself the challenge of showing someone I don't know some kindness or helping them out everyday, because if everyone did that, the world would be a much better place.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

A New Room to Make My Own

Last week I moved into my house, despite my previous blog post announcing that I was excited about the move I actually had numerous breakdowns and when the time came to say goodbye there were A LOT of tears. However once I had the time to get over it I got excited about decorating my new room. This year my room is huge, it is the biggest room I have ever had and the owner of the house clearly loves shelves, they are everywhere! However the main point of the room was the fireplace in the middle. I was so excited for this all holiday and spent ages getting candles to go in it and planning where to put everything. Well I have finished unpacking and I am really pleased with the way it has turned out.
The fireplace is not actually useable and I thought the middle bit was a bit ugly, so I covered it up with pictures from my Disney calendar, postcards and cards that I have collected over time. Then there are a selection of candles, ornaments and photo frames to brighten it up.

There is no colour scheme to the room, I am fairly limited with what I can do as I cannot change the furniture or carpet. However I like to add things that make it personal to me, so I have a lot of my Disney ornaments placed around the room, with pictures and my fairy lights to give it a cosy feel.

I really like it and look forward to living in it for a year!
I think someone's room can tell you a lot about a person, so much so that I did a project on it for a university project last year, I think it is fascinating how people organise their personal space. So let me know what you think, do you think a room reflects an individual? What does my room say about me? I would love to know.