Sunday, 9 November 2014

Speeding Through Time

Nothing much has really happened this week, I seem to have found myself completely surrounded by essays and I feel like I am spending every minute of the day trying to get some work done. Consequently this has left me desperately trying to think of something to write about and coming up with a big fat nothing.
It has left me wondering where this week has gone, I cannot believe the week is almost over, yet I honestly feel like I have nothing to show for it, apart from a huge dent in my bank account (a result of buying far too many Christmas decorations) and another, extremely bad, finished, essay. Yet thinking about it, this whole term is going so fast. I am about to go into week 7 and each term is 10 weeks long. WEEK 7?! I have only just moved in! Its crazy how fast time is going at the moment, I feel like if you blink you may just miss a huge moment. I feel like I went to sleep on the first night and woken up to find I slept for 6 weeks, its crazy. However, I like to think if the time is going so fast then you must be having a good time and there must be lots of things going on. I am sure that is the case for me, just at the moment I cannot think of the last thing I did that didn't involve me writing an essay.
No. Wait. Yes I can. I went to Costa yesterday to get one of their Christmas drinks. Sticky toffee lattes are delish! Though I drank it feeling guilty that I was not sat at home writing about the reasons the mortality rate declined in the nineteenth century.
So now it is Sunday evening and I am faced with a whole new week, and a whole new essay to write. However this week is going to be SUPER exciting as our university Christmas officially starts on Tuesday as it will be 25 days till the end of term. I will be blasting out the Christmas songs and putting up the decorations, there has also been a discussion about the possibility of a mince pie or three. Also I am going back home for a weekend away with my family, something I am also looking forward to, that and the fact going home gives me a good excuse to get a Starbucks as it is on the way home. I need to do a full comparison of Starbucks' and Costa's toffee latte variations!
So I guess that's it for now. I will leave you with a picture of my sparkler from Wednesday and a promise to think of something better to write about next week.

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