Sunday, 30 November 2014

The Most Stressful Week of My Life

This week, as you can see from the title, was the most stressful week of my life. I had an interview on Friday, for something that I have wanted for a very long time and its safe to say I did not deal with it very well! This week was full of me crying, moaning, getting ridiculously angry and moody at everyone and just general panic. I feel extremely sorry for anyone who had to deal with me this week, how no-one slapped me I don't know.
For the interview I had to take a maths test, something I haven't done in four years. Maths has never been my strong point and when you haven't done something for that long it is very hard to get back into it. This meant that most of my stress came from my inability to do what was the considered the most simple calculations. In the end the test could have been a lot more horrific, however I still have to do another one in two weeks time which is just as terrifying.
The actual interview wasn't great, I feel that I made a real mess of it in the end, probably because I spent so much of my time freaking out about it instead of just getting on with it and preparing myself. So we shall wait and see what happens, but I do not hold out much hope, I am just glad its over! The one good thing about the experience is I really learnt who my friends were. When I was in complete and utter meltdown and feeling at my most vulnerable it became very obvious who was there to support me. I have learnt a lot about some of my 'friends' this week, with some really letting me down and others being there by my side the entire time, even when they probably hated me for the way I behaved! I am so grateful for the support I received and am now repaying them all with Cadbury's chocolate snowmen, and a promise that I will be there for them if they ever need me.
In happier news, this weeks marks the start of CHRISTMAS. My decorations went up a long time ago as university Christmas starts rather early. However this weekend I went to Birmingham Christmas market with a few friends and the celebrations officially began. I spent far too much money on clothes in the Bullring and the market was so pretty with lots of really nice things, I got a really cute snow globe with two snow men in it. This week is also the end of term so we are going out for a Christmas meal, exchanging presents and spending the week celebrating that we made it through the term! It is going to be a very good week. And of course, tomorrow is the 1st of December, meaning advent starts. This year I have three advent calendars, you can never have too many! I have a milky bar chocolate one, the Yankee candle one which I am so excited for, a candle everyday?! Its perfect! And I have this chocolate bar that has the date and a little Christmas picture on each tiny square, it is unbelievably cute!
I hope you have a great week and start to get into the Christmas spirit!
So many advent calendars!

Its too cute to eat!

Saturday, 22 November 2014

10 Reasons to Love Your Bed.

As I sit here in my bed drinking toffee flavoured coffee and wait for my friend to get up so we can watch America's Next Top Model, feel free to judge us, I often judge us too, I am just thinking about the value of bed. So here are my top 10 reasons as to why bed is the best place in the world, excluding Disneyland. Disneyland is definitely better than my bed.
1. It is so comfy.
2. It is so warm, something highly valued in a student house.
3. You can decorate it with bedding and throws to suit your needs, for example mine currently has a throw with reindeer all over it. 33 SLEEPS TO GO.
4. Despite the fact you leave it every morning it welcomes you  back with open arms at the end of the day, or the middle of the afternoon, and all is forgiven.
5. It is an extremely good storage holder, don't know where to put something? The bed is always the answer.
6. It is the best place to lie and think about everything in the world. Though the shower is a good contender for this.
7. You get to sleep in it. Sleeping is the best part of my day.
8. It is multifunctional. Need somewhere to sit? The bed. Want to watch some tv? Go and sit in bed. Need to do some work? The bed is a pretty comfy place to be.
9. It looks after all of your belongings. For example, it always keeps the tv remote and phone safe for me so that when I have lost them I know where I should look first.
10. And finally the word 'bed' looks like a bed, which I think is pretty cool.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Speeding Through Time

Nothing much has really happened this week, I seem to have found myself completely surrounded by essays and I feel like I am spending every minute of the day trying to get some work done. Consequently this has left me desperately trying to think of something to write about and coming up with a big fat nothing.
It has left me wondering where this week has gone, I cannot believe the week is almost over, yet I honestly feel like I have nothing to show for it, apart from a huge dent in my bank account (a result of buying far too many Christmas decorations) and another, extremely bad, finished, essay. Yet thinking about it, this whole term is going so fast. I am about to go into week 7 and each term is 10 weeks long. WEEK 7?! I have only just moved in! Its crazy how fast time is going at the moment, I feel like if you blink you may just miss a huge moment. I feel like I went to sleep on the first night and woken up to find I slept for 6 weeks, its crazy. However, I like to think if the time is going so fast then you must be having a good time and there must be lots of things going on. I am sure that is the case for me, just at the moment I cannot think of the last thing I did that didn't involve me writing an essay.
No. Wait. Yes I can. I went to Costa yesterday to get one of their Christmas drinks. Sticky toffee lattes are delish! Though I drank it feeling guilty that I was not sat at home writing about the reasons the mortality rate declined in the nineteenth century.
So now it is Sunday evening and I am faced with a whole new week, and a whole new essay to write. However this week is going to be SUPER exciting as our university Christmas officially starts on Tuesday as it will be 25 days till the end of term. I will be blasting out the Christmas songs and putting up the decorations, there has also been a discussion about the possibility of a mince pie or three. Also I am going back home for a weekend away with my family, something I am also looking forward to, that and the fact going home gives me a good excuse to get a Starbucks as it is on the way home. I need to do a full comparison of Starbucks' and Costa's toffee latte variations!
So I guess that's it for now. I will leave you with a picture of my sparkler from Wednesday and a promise to think of something better to write about next week.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Happy Halloween

After my extremely poor effort last week at dressing up as Vanellope I felt I should try slightly harder with Halloween. This does mean that I ended up with a witches hat and fake blood, because those two things definitely go together. Fact. I need to get better at this costume thing.

I have never really bothered with Halloween, its too close to Christmas as far as I am concerned and Christmas is a HUGE deal with me, so by the time Halloween has arrived I have already started getting stupidly excited about the festive season and Halloween seems to get forgotten about.
The one thing I do love about this time of year is carving pumpkins. I insist on carving one every year and this year was no exception. So it was a trip to our local supermarket for the perfect pumpkin, we also somehow ended up looking at Christmas decorations, I don't know how that happened. It took FOREVER as we couldn't decide which one was the perfect one, we did eventually make a decision only to get home and realise that when it was on a flat surface it tilted forward quite a lot. *sigh*. However that didn't stop us and we soon got thinking of ideas. I find with pumpkins a face is slightly boring and overused so I always try and think of something different, so this year we went for a slightly evil looking sorting hat from Harry Potter and I was quite impressed with the final result.
The final result
With the pumpkin done, I had to get thinking of a good costume. I ended up skipping the fake blood as it said on the packet it could stain your face for a few days and I had to go to work today so it was a risk I wasn't willing to take. Somehow I think stewarding a Charlie and Lola play with fake blood on my face is not the best idea ever. In the end I just wore a lot of black, a witches hat and A LOT of make-up, I even drew a cobweb on my face. Dressing up really is not my thing, but it was good fun to try!
I hope everyone had a fantastically spooky Halloween! I am now off to get ridiculously over excited about Christmas!
I did get creative with my noticeboard!